Well, free from the stresses of work anyway. Julie has retired. It was her last day on Friday, June 28, 2024. And what a ride her career has been. As her husband, I've had a front row seat to watch her burning early morning oil, late night oil and weekends oil. That's a hell of a lot of oil. At the risk of getting a serious dressing down from my bride (I'm well past the thin ice sign), I'm going to do it anyways.
Julie's collegiate education started with Kathryn Gibbs. Isn't that a school for becoming a seceretary? I wouldn't really know, but it seems almost a vulgar guess. From there, she slowly rose through the ranks at one company that was sold a few times to others. She had a chance to live and work in London, where she met and befriended several people. The decision to go to London was a terrific choice as her marriage took a dark turn and ended in divorce. England was good for her, as she got to travel throughout the continent, and visited other countries and cultures. Meanwhile, Julie continued to deepen her knowledge and understanding of the jobs she was assigned. She returned to the US a seasoned worker and settled back into life in New England. You could say she went overseas with a narrow list of skills and returned with a much broader set.
But life has a way of unexpectedly getting in the way of things. She experienced a layoff while I had a major stroke. It happened at the same time, which truly sucked. She turned her attention to my recovery, while keeping a sharp eye on new opportunities. And while I was slowly getting back to some semblence of normal (as if there's such a thing), she was interviewing with several companies and got to choose finishing her career with the last company.
While we're a couple of weeks removed from her retirement, I'd like to shout out to all of her work colleagues that became her work friends that carries over to forever friends. They are an integral part of the fabric of her life. I've met a lot of them and they're all very cool people. And while there are no pictures to share (there was a small gathering of people to celebrate the occasion), as my sister took a lot of photos and hasn't shared them yet - she's been and is always busy. Plus, she's much older.