The pictures are from the campsites we've been at since leaving New Hampshire. Today the temperatures are supposed to plunge to below freezing. Yesterday it was in the high 60's.
Late yesterday, there was a burst water pipe and a lot of people are without water. We have some stored in a fresh water tank and the operators of our campground are telling us that we might not see it restored quickly as a lot of companies they deal with are closed for the holidays. We also went out last night and bought jugs of water, so we'll be okay.
... And we just lost power...
Winds are howling, temps dropping and spirits are very high!
On Christmas eve, we go to Julie's aunts house and will spend Christmas with her.
It's weird, though. We are secure, warm, happy for this incredible adventure and thankful for so many things. Yet we miss home. Our family and friends. We miss decorating our home. We miss the parties and our annual trip to see the Christmas tree lighting in downtown Boston. We miss our celebratory drink at the Parker House. That sense of what you've done before isn't lost, it's just different this year.
Julie and I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and hope that your holidays are filled with happiness and a lot of love.

Merry Christmas from the StOnges!! Always a pleasure and very amusing to read your stories Thomas!!! Keep them coming! Hi Julie! Wish you both a great time on your adventure! Wish we were there!
Tom and Julie, I hope that the adventure brings you both, warmth and kindness along the way. Miss you too but living through you vicariously. Merriest of Christmas and safe travels. Love, Barbara and Meghan ♥️
Merry Christmas to you and Julie looks like a great time . Enjoy Jerry and Jill Aube.
Merry Christmas to both of you! Enjoy the holidays on the road. Love to both of you!🎄❤️